I'm sharing from what was an informative, reflective and invaluable day at an EQ Summit in London.
Some of the ‘very best in the business’ were there, an inspiring and diverse line up of passionate advocates who value and impact the areas of emotional intelligence, mindfulness and creativity, across business, education and life.
For me the nudges from the day included;
Dr. Martyn Newman
Kicking off the day with a reflection that the most valuable workers in this moment in history are relationship workers. Who could disagree? Relationship skills across the organisation, with all stakeholders and ultimately customers, will be a key competence that needs to be harnessed and honed.
James Darroch, CEO Sky
Shared amongst other insights “the singular move to empathy has been significant in our business”. A concerted and continuing application of emotional intelligence across all aspects of his business is a success story worthy of sharing and celebrating.
James Arnold
Shared a case study of Investec’s ‘refreshingly human’ emotional intelligence programme validating the need to be creative, take risks and be intuitive. He presented a bold, honest and ‘refreshing’ narrative. Not bad for a banker!
Sir Ken Robinson
On ‘talent’ and how ‘life is not linear’ took the quote of the day for me with;
“Do you find it intoxicating when you go into the gym or do you need to be intoxicated to go into the gym?”
He was intoxicating, he also shared an inspirational and uplifting video: Landfill Harmonica which re-enforces the need to reframe discussions and challenge our thoughts and systems to seek greater things.
Daniel Goleman
“if you don’t tune into yourself you won’t tune into others”. An eloquent reinforcement that the concept of emotional intelligence is grounded in self-awareness.
Baroness Susan Greenfield
Working Neuroscientist extraordinaire – her energy and passion is second to none. Her revelation that “brain cells grow branches when stimulated, increasing their surface area and leading to more connections” meaning your neural pathways can be altered at any age.
Ruby Wax
Was articulate and animated as ever as she shared her neuroscience, stress and life dialogue. She was being Ruby!
Anyway, a good day for me and a call to action in a number of areas.
So what I’m curious about is what are you doing about your emotional intelligence journey?
Among the hustle and bustle of trying to get a socially distanced seat at a recent neuroscience seminar, I overheard a remark:
“We should consider designing learning interventions for the brain and not the learning style”
With two millennials, one teenager and an even bigger kid with a passion for all things hi-fi in the house you can probably imagine the cacophony of sounds that sometimes greets me.
I recently received a communication that was signed ‘Mx’ from a colleague who had previously signed communications as ‘Mr’. This prompted me to ask some questions and do some research; for me it is not about labelling and compartmentalising, it is about being informed, inclusive and respectful.
I constantly seek research and findings that effectively and meaningfully link academia and the real world. A recent example that sparked my imagination was discovering the works of Elizabeth Blackburn a Nobel prize winning, molecular biologist.
So, here’s two questions:
Would you frequent a commercial cannabis establishment if you were in a place where it was legalised?
Would you partake in any Cannabis consumption with a client/colleague of that region?
The relationship between mindfulness and stress is well documented. Our awareness of stress and the negative impact it has on ours and other lives is becoming more perceptible. Mindfulness, as a stress reducing therapy, is becoming increasingly used in clinical practice and its impetus in and outside the workplace is gaining steady traction.