Among the hustle and bustle of trying to get a socially distanced seat at a recent neuroscience seminar, I overheard a remark:
“We should consider designing learning interventions for the brain and not the learning style”
As a psychologist and L&D specialist I have a huge interest in the complex process of learning. Over the past year I have witnessed learning styles being used as a precursor to training events. This has been within one global corporation and at least one education provider. The context has been “this is how you will learn best”. What of the neurodiverse paradigm and the uniqueness of individuals ?... I'll save that for a future post !
However, to suggest that learning is enhanced through the identification of a preferred style and subsequently leads to greater performance is a neuromyth!
A neuro myth is a commonly-held false belief about neuroscience. There are many neuromyths and “Learning Styles” is one of the most well-known and increasingly challenged across learning spectrums. It has had startling traction across many domains of society and is increasingly being addressed. There is no scientific evidence to support its claims that learning is enhanced through the identification of a preferred style and that learning in that ‘preference’ leads to greater performance.
Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic styles (and variations thereof) are very much a part of many establishment’s education, learning and development programs. Whilst they are established concepts they need to be challenged. This does not dismiss the notion that there are different styles of learning but does question upon what basis claims are made.
The advancing discipline of neuroscience is bringing insight and opportunities to redress the way we design learning. Neuroscience has shown us how neuroplasticity can enable us to be lifelong learners whilst technological advance has delivered a multitude of learning platforms. At the fore of this is a recognition that humans process information in many ways. ‘Learning Styles’ does not reveal neurological pathways, memory formation or brain processes. It is a, limiting self-belief and can lead to individuals being closed to and rejecting different ways of learning as they believe they have a ‘style’ which optimises their learning.
We are in an era striving to be free of labels and stereotypes and constantly discovering new ways of being the best we can be and contribute to society with our uniqueness.
Neuroscience is not the panacea to effective learning and development, but it is offering promising insight. It is constantly evolving so critical evaluation is required.
As coaches, educationalists, L&D professionals, trainers, academics and employers we are equally responsible for drawing attention to the advances in neuroscience as well as challenging the neuromyths.
With two millennials, one teenager and an even bigger kid with a passion for all things hi-fi in the house you can probably imagine the cacophony of sounds that sometimes greets me.
I recently received a communication that was signed ‘Mx’ from a colleague who had previously signed communications as ‘Mr’. This prompted me to ask some questions and do some research; for me it is not about labelling and compartmentalising, it is about being informed, inclusive and respectful.
I constantly seek research and findings that effectively and meaningfully link academia and the real world. A recent example that sparked my imagination was discovering the works of Elizabeth Blackburn a Nobel prize winning, molecular biologist.
So, here’s two questions:
Would you frequent a commercial cannabis establishment if you were in a place where it was legalised?
Would you partake in any Cannabis consumption with a client/colleague of that region?
The relationship between mindfulness and stress is well documented. Our awareness of stress and the negative impact it has on ours and other lives is becoming more perceptible. Mindfulness, as a stress reducing therapy, is becoming increasingly used in clinical practice and its impetus in and outside the workplace is gaining steady traction.
I recently watched this insightful workplace perspective from CNN on mental ill-health and wanted to share. The perspective is sadly an increasing reality.