Collaborating with Schools
People, Planet, Profit
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The Telomere Manifesto
Your cellular health is reflected in the wellbeing of your mind, body, and community.
Here are the elements of telomere maintenance that we believe to be the most crucial for a healthier world:
Mind your Telomeres
Evaluate sources of persistent, intense stress. What can you change?
Transform a threat to a challenge appraisal.
Become more self-compassionate and compassionate to others.
Take up a restorative activity.
Practice thought awareness and mindful attention. Awareness opens doors to wellbeing.
Maintain your Telomeres
Be active.
Develop a sleep ritual for more restorative and longer sleep.
Eat mindfully to reduce overeating and ride out cravings.
Choose telomere- healthy foods – whole foods, omega‑3s, skip the bacon.
Connect your Telomeres
Make room for connection: Disconnect from screens for part of the day.
Cultivate a few good, close relationships.
Provide children quality attention and the right amount of “good stress.”
Cultivate your neighborhood social capital. Help strangers.
Seek green. Spend time in nature.
Mindful attention to other people allows connections to bloom. Attention is your gift to give.
Create Telomere Health in Your Community and the World
Improve prenatal care.
Protect children from violence and other traumas that damage telomeres.
Reduce inequality.
Clean up local and global toxins.
Improve food policies so that everyone has access to fresh, healthy, affordable food.
The future health of our society is being shaped right now, and we can measure part of that future in telomere base pairs.
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